Mornington and Laytown
Introduction by Atinuke Dayo Olabinjo, Mornington community organiser
In the Meath Community Time machine project, we pride ourselves in building relationship among the seniors and the youth across the local community.
This allows the documentation of experiences and ideas that worked in the past and still working, how to correct certain ideologies for a better future. It is where our seniors relate with the young people to bring reasonable ideas that could help shape the community and society in this uncertain world we now live in for a sustainable development. The challenges we now face in achieving this is the ability to build trust among ourselves so as to carry out this project successfully. We continue growing in this area of sustainable development as we strive to come together by building more trust.
Mairead Stapleton
“Community means a lot to me. I love putting a smile on people’s faces and would do anything to make that happen.”
Marianne Vicidomina
“To me community means that we all help each other get through hard times and help each other out.”