Athlone Community College
Introduction by Rebecca, Athlone Community College organiser
Many thanks for including the students of Athlone Community College in this very worthwhile project. Our students enjoyed the social history perspective that this had on their learning. It gave them a great understanding of the importance of oral history and how our link to the past can be with people we know as well as objects from the past.
The students gained so much from working with seniors and learning about everyday life from them. Another positive aspect was allowing the students to be creative with their responses to this project.
Carmel Devaney
“An Post’s ‘Brighten up January’ campaign, in which they distributed two free post cards to all of the Republic, helped me keep in touch with friends.”
Gerald (Jerry) Fallon
“Through hard times look out for one another and don’t forget about the best chicken curry in town!”
Philomena Doyle
“Having my family and grandchildren around me brings me joy, and they also helped me through lockdown by shopping for me and cleaning the house.”
Paul Kiernan
“Community is very important because there will always be somebody who needs help or can help you. Even though it is mixed, we are all the same.”