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John Loud

Interviewed by Ava McEvoy / photos by Emma O’Brien

Ava: How long have you lived in the area?
John: 7 years.

Ava: What’s a fond memory you have of living here?
John: I haven’t seen too much. I’ve seen the community come back from covid. I haven’t lived here long enough to see a huge change. Pubs were the centre of social.

Ava: Have you seen this community come back from hard times before?
John: Business changed- home deliveries/food. Helpful grandchildren. Gardening.

Ava: What are some things that have helped you through lockdown and what brings you joy?
John: Reading, poetry, music and football.
Ava: What does community mean to you? What sort of things are you doing now to stay connected to your community and family?
John: Community means helping people. I joined the Men’s Shed. Joined bowling (helped me meet people). From family pov, I used social media.

Ava: What message do you want to share for yourself and this community in 10 years time?
John: Don’t be in such a rush; take time to enjoy what’s around you. Try to be more tolerant.

Pictured below are images from John & Ava’s shoot with photographer Emma O’Brien.

John Loud

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