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Hugh Byrne

Interviewed by  Ciara Doyle / photos by Emma O’Brien

Hugh: How long have you lived in your area?
Ciara: 54 years

Hugh: What’s a fond memory you have of living here?
Ciara: Community games. Church choir. Children going to school.

Hugh: Have you seen this community come back from hard times before?
Ciara: Bord na Móna brought more employment. It’s changed for the better. The standard of living is higher. Schools are bigger. There’s good internet connection. It’s changed a lot since I was a child.

Hugh: What are some things that have helped you through lockdown and what brings you joy?
Ciara: Family visiting. My grandchildren. Westmeath doing well in the football WX-WH.The television and Youtube.

Hugh: What sort of things are you doing now to stay connected to your community and family and what does community mean to you?
Ciara: The active retirement group and social services. Not quite back to normal. Our shared values. Keeping connected.

Hugh: What message do you want to leave for yourself and this community in 10 years time?
Ciara: Endurance. The Good old days were hard! In 1964, 52% left school at primary level. Adapt and learn.

Ciara took inspiration from Hugh’s favourite song ‘Maybe’ by Grizzly Adams. She used a stencil to paint the lyric ‘Here is our life and home’ onto a plant pot that she gave Hugh and Anne as a touching gift at the end of the project. Ciara also recorded a cover of the song for Hugh listen below! You can also check out photos of Ciara’s creative response below alongside portraits of Hugh and his wife Anne who also took part in the project, taken by Emma O’Brien.

Hugh Byrne

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