Colette Reid
Interviewed by Liliana Wiklanska/ Photographed by Sharon Smith
Lilianna: How long have you lived in the area?
Colette: 64 years.
Lilianna: What’s a fond memory you have of living here?
Colette: Some fond memories I have are playing with children from the block, being able to come in unwelcomed without looking like a robber, and being able to stay out till late without the parents worrying.
Lilianna: Have you seen this community come back from hard times before?
Colette: Yes, I’ve seen a lot of differences. It is more luxurious now then back in my days. But we didn’t think it was “hard times” while it was happening.
Lilianna: What are some things that have helped you through lockdown and what brings you joy?
Colette: Going back over old photos comforts me.
Lilianna: What does community mean to you? What sort of things are you doing now to stay connected to your community and family?
Colette: Community means looking after children. I was a credit union worker and helped old folks in the past.
Lilianna: What message do you want to share for yourself and this community in 10 years time?
Colette: I hope all are there for each other and help each other, and if I am in need, people will help me.
Shown below is a drawing Lilianna made in response to her interview with Colette. It depicts a family photo album.