Pat Doyle
Interviewed by Naoise Cluskey / photographs provided by participants.
Naoise: How long have you lived in your area?
Pat: 77 years.
Naoise: What’s a fond memory you have of living here?
Pat: All the people that have lived here and the sense of community.
Naoise: Have you seen this community come back from hard times before?
Pat: There was always hard times in Newtown, especially going back to the 50s when people were sent off to work and came home with only small amounts of money to keep them going. But then moving into the 60s employment picked up and a factory was built in the area that made kettles, pots & pans and employed 120-130 people. This is when things started to pick back up again.
Naoise: What sorts of things are you doing to stay connected to your community and family and what does community mean to you?
Pat: Going to the men’s shed once or twice a week (socially distanced) to make sure the gardens there are all good and to catch up with friends.
Pictured below is Naoise’s drawing of a dance hall that she did as an artistic response to her interview with Pat. There are also some other images from Pat’s shoot with Madeline.