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Sheila Cleary

Interviewed by Hannah Gerlitz / photographer Madeline Mulqueen

Hannah: How long have you lived in the area?
Sheila: 35 years

Hannah: What’s a fond memory you have of living here?
Sheila: How everyone knew each other. You would know where everyone lived. The small shop where everyone met up.

Hannah: What are some things that have helped you through lockdown and what brings you joy?
Sheila: My garden, especially in Spring. I love music, gardening and walking, piano and dancing.

Hannah: What sort of things are you doing now to stay connected to your community and family and what does community mean to you?
Sheila: Neighbours are important. Being older I need their help with shopping, and I’m in touch with friends and family over Zoom.

Hannah: What message do you want to leave for yourself and this community in 10 years time?
Sheila: People recently have become tied up in their own lives and have forgotten that no man is an island. We have found out through this that we do need people, they are important.

Look at the additional images below from Sheila’s shoot with Madeline as well as the painting Hannah did as her creative response.

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Sheila Cleary slider
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hannah creative response