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Paul O'Conner

Interviewed by Jason O’Connor / photographs provided by participant

Jason: How long have you lived in your area?
Paul: 70 years.

Jason: What’s a fond memory you have of living here?
Paul: Newtown winning the county final in 1964 and 1975. Very fond memories of the people who lived here.

Jason: What sorts of things are you doing to stay connected to your community and family and what does community mean to you?
Paul: Community means looking out for each other. Using the phone to keep in touch with family and friends.

Jason: What message do you want to leave for yourself and your community in 10 years?
Paul: To continue the great community spirit that has existed here for so many years.

Pictured below is Jason’s artistic response to Paul’s interview- his fond memory of Newtown winning the Miley Cup in 1964 & 1975! There are also a few more pictures from Paul’s shoot with Madeline.

Pat Daly Slider
Pat Daly- slider Image
Pat Daly- Slider
Pat Daly-Creative Response